Media - Anime Ottawa


The 2025 Media Accreditation period is now open! SUBMIT YOUR MEDIA HERE!


You have a question? Please contact Leeja Murphy at



Media Accreditation

Please note that no media pass will be given on site and that passes will not be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, but as per our defined selection criteria. You must follow the official procedure, as described on the media accreditation form. There will be no exceptions.


Interviewing media guests

If you would like to arrange an interview with one of our guests outside of the convention, you must contact us to find out if/when this guest is available. Time is extremely limited for guests, and for some, extra interviews might not be possible.


Please be aware that:

– Media accreditation does NOT give automatic access to guests. All interview requests must be submitted to the Media Relations Team at the Media Desk.

– It is important to note, Anime Ottawa being a fan convention, that while at their autograph tables, Media Guests are there strictly to sign autographs for their fans, not to conduct interviews.

– The purchase of autographs, and/or photo ops are the responsibility of each individual and is not included with any pass, including Media.

– “Drive-by” (unapproved interviews) with Media Guests are strictly FORBIDDEN. Impromptu on-site interviews must be approved through the Media Relations Team.